The Lost battle !

We speak when a girl gets raped in our country, then why don't we speak when millions of girls and women are getting raped everyday in another country? They are being sold as slaves and forced to become wives of beasts. There are many atrocities in the name of religion. Then why are we not speaking about it ?  Why are we busy in our own world ? Why do we keep quiet when someone's house is burning ? We are sleeping peacefully behind closed doors, but there are millions who became homeless and living in fear. We are eating three meals a day, but there are many who are running for their lives with empty stomach.

Every land has it's history, it's culture, it's values and Art. Afghanistan people lost their existence in just one night. They lost their homes, they lost their people and they lost their identity. Once the residents of Afghanistan are going to become refugees in different countries now. Once a settled family has become a displaced family now. Once the great laureates has become nomads now. It is because we have failed them as a world. We left them behind and forgotten them. They lost everything within in a week which didn't happen in 20 years. They fought for so many years. But because of negligence of world countries, they lost the fight.

We don't care until the problem knocks our door. We don't care when something happens to others, if we have everything and we are comfortable, we don't think about others. We as a world has become selfish, brutal and heartless. We are just watching when millions of people are getting destroyed. Countries have become countries not just because of the walls and tall buildings. It is because of the people and their culture countries are formed. But today we as a world are failed when the people are running away from their own country. 

Afghanistan has not fallen out of fear, it has fallen because of betrayal and because of ideological walls among the countries. And the people of Afghanistan are trapped there as sacrificial lambs. When a family gets a problem, other family helps. Likewise, when a country gets problem other countries should help. That is the real democracy and Bureaucracy.

I wish their president chose to fight, instead of running away when the whole world was watching. Governance has become a joke now. My heart bleeds when I hear the atrocities the people are facing, when I see them run behind the plane on runway and sit on plane wings to flee from their own land out of fear.

World is developing rapidly, but the people who won the country are going to take Afghanistan 200 years back into darkness. They are not going to allow Internet, TV, music, poetry, books, schools and colleges, women can't go out alone, they have to wear burqah always. If they go out alone they will be beaten 100 lashes. They can't wear nail polish, if they do, their finger tips will be chopped. If they have an affair, they will be stoned to death. If anyone steals something, their hands will be chopped. Above all this, women are gonna face lot of troubles all their life. They have to fight even for taking breathe and live out of fear everyday. In short that land is going to become a desert of innocent dead bodies.

Religion is something personal and it is born out of one's belief. It totally depends on an Individual for accepting it, changing it and not following it. One can't just force someone to follow their rules or punish someone in the name of religion. That's unfair. If we continue to be silent. Tomorrow they are gonna come to our doorstep. Then everyone will watch silently just like what is happening now. Our silence is giving strength for them to go to extreme lengths. This is the beginning of a Dark Era. So we need to stop the darkness before it's too late !

-Author Queeny Yalangi


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