A letter to a girl!

I have been thinking about this for a long time now. And i thought i should scribble this 🖤

Dear girls,

Whom do you blame when you lose your partner?

Do you call yourself a loser?

Do you blame youself for not being beautiful?

Do you blame your height?

Do you blame your skintone?

Do you blame yourself for being healthy?

Do you blame yourself for being open minded?

Do you blame your dressing style?

Are you always trying to change yourself to impress someone?

If you are doing it, then why do you think just your skin tone, looks, attitude makes someone love you?

If you believe that just an outer appearance can keep someone in your life, then you are wrong my dear. Love has nothing to do with your appearance. 

It is all about what you feel about your man,

how you respect your partner, 

how you care about them. 


It's about understanding eachother.

Being there for each other. 

Spending time with each other. 

Fighting for each other.

Dreaming together.

Sharing the same values

Taking stand for what you both believe in and making the pact to not leave eachother in marriage or in love.

But people change and they break that sacred pact. They leave you with whom they spent their most of the life, whom they have seen waking up next ot them every morning and while going back to bed. With whom they shared morning coffees and countless dinners. To whom they made love thousand times. They just leave forgetting everything and making you beg them for a chance. 


And some of you even try to change by spending time at spa's and standing infront of mirror checking your boobs and butts million times if you have it in the right place and in the right size. Some wash their face at frequent intervals just to look fresh. Some diet just so that they should look slim. I know many of you put the make up on and smile even in your periods just to look beautiful so that your man doesn't get bored. But that is not the love girls. It is just your imagination. You know why?

When you are giving your man your body, time and energy, yet if you are scared that he will leave you someday, If you are pushing yourself to keep someone in your life and if you are constantly blaming yourself for not being fit in a relationship. Then that's not love. If a man loves you truly he never asks you to do that. So get courage and face the truth. Know that people will leave you no matter how beautiful you look, how much money you have, how successful you are or where you come from. Once when someone decides not to be a part of your life, they leave. And you shouldn't stop them. You should let them go with open arms and with a broad smile on your face. 

You know something, you are beautiful inside and out and you deserve more. So don't give chance to someone to break you, chain you and supress you all your life. You don't have to do anything out of love. If your love is asking so much out of you, then that's not the love you want. Don't change yourselves to look beautiful. Instead please move forward and be happy. That ultimate happiness will make you shine.


Girls, lemme share a secret with you. It doesn't matter how you look, how you talk, how you walk, how you eat, how you sneeze and how you smell, the right person will always be there with you holding your hand . He will never leave your side nor make you cry. If a man is right for you he will do anything to be in your life. If someone is not right for you then they will leave. So be with someone who enjoys your presence everyday and be with someone who makes you a better person with each passing day. It is okay to love soemone unconditionally, but don't ever think that you are not enough for that person. Just think that he is not enough for you. Because your heart is big as an ocean, and your love is as tall as sky. If he loses you then he is the loser not you. I hope you find these lines helpful and motivating. Keep shining girls. Hope you find the right man soon!

Love and light,

Author Queeny Yalangi.


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