6 months Book Anniversary !

Dear readers,

I'm proud and emotional today writing this blog. My book has successfully completed 6 months today. 6 months !!! and it still feels like a dream. You know I pinch myself sometimes to be sure that it's all real, Hahaha.. 6 months might be just a number, but when I turn back and see, I have lots of memories in this journey. I see One and half years of hard work, uncountable working hours, lot of stress behind each day and sleepless nights as well. And some days i just waited, and that waiting period was so salient. Sometimes I was just surrounded by silence and tension. It wasn't easy to come this far. And it wasn't something I could do alone... I met so many amazing people in this book journey. All this wasn't possible alone. A decade ago i had a vision and dream of becoming published author some day. And i wrote everyday and walked towards my goal step by step without getting tired. And my dream became true and possible with the wonderful teams I worked and still working. The publishing team, printing team, Readers, reviewers, Social media family, Amazon, Flipkart and books club production teams, Delivery boys and girls who take my book to readers across the globe, Nikhil and his printing team who make bookish goodies, Indian post office team who dispatches my books. When I say everything was possible,  it's all because of these folks. I wrote the manuscript, but they gave shape to the book and brought it into life. Everyday I receive texts and reviews from readers, when I read them it gives me a kind of relief. It is an unexplainable feeling, and I feel proud of choosing this. 

When i write about my book , i should also write about One habit that has changed my life completely. It is Book reading.. I was always fascinated with the bed time stories my mom and grandparents used to tell me. That became thirst of finding new stories. I was crazy about stories, twists and the characters. So for stories I started reading books, or I should say uncountable books. They inspired me, motivated me, comforted me. And when the right time came, I started writing, that's when I decided to become an author. And now I became a published author after a decade.

I always believed that when we have a goal and when we work hard for it, the whole universe conspires to make it happen. Yes, I'm experiencing it right now. Through this book I got an opportunity to shape the minds of all the age groups, and let the world know what is inside my mind. I got a chance to introduce to everyone the real me. I learnt so many things in this book journey and I'm still learning. One thing I learnt is patience, the other thing is to never give up. Yes if you have patience it helps you to take right decisions and good things take time to happen and one needs to have patience to welcome good in their life. Coming to the second one, never giving up. Either it maybe our goal or dream or relationship, we give it up at some point of time. But you know, there's a phase in everyone's life when they want to give up everything, but this book journey made me believe that everything is possible if we are determined to do it and giving up is not the only option. I believe that After every night there's a new dawn, after sadness comes happiness. What we are going through now is just a phase, and good things will happen to us eventually. It just takes time. We have to wait with patience. I gave up on everything many a times, but I found solace in writing. I have faced many hurdles in my life, but writing was the only thing which comforted me and brought me this far. It was the only thing which pushed me to move forward in life.

So today I'm writing this to everyone of you, your passion might be anything. Hold it tight and work hard towards making your dream possible. And no matter what never let your hope go away from you.

So folks you can order my book on Amazon, Flipkart and books club. And you can DM me on Facebook, Insta, twitter for the signed copies. And don't forget to recommend my book to your friends and family. This book is very very special to me and close to my heart. I hope you find the stories interesting and helpful. As you travel with the book I hope the characters of "Life in Hyderabad" book motivates you and inspires you.

With lots of love,

-Author Queeny Yalangi 👑


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