Freedom !

Sometimes the freedom we have can be very deceptive. It is just our wants and needs which makes us believe that we have freedom, but the truth is most of us are still in someone's grip, in some agony, some cage suffering and getting abused everyday behind closed doors.

So the comforts we have blind sides us from the fact that we are living in a cage. It is just our emotions which over power us making us believe that if we choose freedom we might lose our people and the comfortable life we have. So with that fear most of us never try to break the chains of fear which is holding us in darkness. We never try to question why are we treated badly ? We never question why are we not having freedom to do what we want ?

We lose our freedom when we are harassed by our own people, when we don't have right to take any decisions. It is only because the love we have towards our people which makes us vulnerable. When we love someone or fear for someone beyond any limits, it becomes wrath at some point of time. So it is our emotions which makes us surrender to the adversities in our lives.

But the moment you sense that your freedom is no longer in your hands and someone else is taking decisions on your behalf in the name of marriage by giving you three meals a day and making you suffer mentally and physically everyday then it is the time to stand up for yourself. So never let anyone take away that freedom from you for the cost of three meals a day. Just fight for yourself, fight for your freedom. Because no one in the world is going to do that for you.

And When you fight for your freedom you might lose the people you love, you might run out of money and food. But it is okay to sleep with an empty stomach instead of getting harassed and abused everyday. 

I believe that actual freedom lies in a place where we can breathe the air without any fear, where our relationships should make us strong without making us weak, and the family we live with should make us sleep peacefully. Most importantly the day when we do what we want, that's the day we will experience true freedom.

So let's be strong and fight back women.

-Author Queeny Yalangi


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