Do you treat your sons and daughters equally ?

When parents always warn their daughters not to walk on road at midnights, why the same parents don't tell their sons to stay indoors at night ?

When parents want girls to dress neatly covering all the body parts, why the same parents don't teach their boys not to stare at any girl's body ?

When parents  train their daughters to be good wives to their future husbands, then why can't the same parents teach their sons to be a good husbands to their future wives ?

When mothers ask their daughters to be silent when their husbands raise their hand on them, why can't the same mother teach some sense to her son from the beginning and tell him never to raise hand on women, never to abuse his wife ?

After seeing so many broken families around i have few questions to the entire world,

Who the hell in the world gave power to a man to raise his hand freely on his woman ? Which school taught this to men? Or which university is offering a course to men about how to harass their wives ?

Every big problem always starts at home. Most of the males get inspired by their fathers when they see how their mothers are scared of their fathers, how they remain silent even when they are treated badly, and how they never try to defend themselves from the blows of their fathers belt. At the young age kids think that it is a way of becoming powerful, they feel proud about their father for keeping their mom in control. But little they know that it is not power, it is him just and just being lunatic.

Why the rules are applicable only to girls since generations? why the society always try to educate girls ? Everything in the world is changing, yet nothing is changed when it comes to gender. When all the Do's and Don't's are taught to your daughters, then how can your sons learn them. When you tell the above things to your daughter in front of your son and when you don't tell the same to him, that's when his attitude towards the female gender descends. That is when he thinks that females are weak and someone has to look after them always. 

You know Lil things can bring change in your son's point of view towards women.

Tell your daughter to be brave.

Teach her how to defend herself when an uncertainty happens. Send both your son and daughter for self defense training.

Ask your son to pick the TV remote himself when you see him asking his sister to give it to him.

Stop him right away when he is raising voice on his sister, so that he will not do the same to his wife.

Teach him how to cook, how to swab the house, arrange his wardrobe so that he don't have to yell at his future wife. 

Teach him about how understanding is important among husband and wife.

You know most of the moms never tell anything to their sons about relationship, they just expect that his future wife will come and do all his works. That's when his judgment towards women will go unfair.

We need to always remember onething. We can change anyone at the bud stage when they are young, but when we don't do it they will go into the society and does terrible and toxic things.

After reading this you might name me as a feminist but it is not exactly what it is. I'm not defending any gender here. I always strive for equality among men and women. I'm doing this to teach the equality and respect atleast to the future generations, so that we don't have to read about any domestic violence cases, or rape cases in newspapers. 

Dears readers,

Patience is the only thing that requires for men and women to lead a happy and prosperous life. This is my Lil effort to see a better world around. Hoping to see it someday !

-Queeny Yalangi 👑


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