Marriages can wait !


Girls are not allowed to study in economically poor families and in some  rural areas. They think that girls are born just to get married and is a source of extension for their families. Parents of girls believe that if a girl is  married at young age, then the dowry will be less and so the burden. 

Girls are always considered as burden by their parents and they get least priority in everything they do. They are not allowed to go to school because their parents can't afford fees of three children. They can't eat their favourite food because they are girls. They are not allowed to talk loud in public because they are girls. In fact they are not allowed to do anything which their brothers do. At the age of playing with other children, most of the girls are sent away by their parents in the name of marriage. 

When a girl is married at early age, her life changes completely forever. At the age of holding books, she becomes an expert in making Roti's for her extended in-laws family. At the age of playing with her friends, she is trained by her mother and mother-in-law about cooking, cleaning dishes, and how to keep her voice low even if her husband raises his hand on her, because they are doing the same thing even after decades of their marriage.

Then the Girl's parents and in-laws assume that a girl's life will be fulfilled only if she gives birth to a child. When girls give birth to their children without having proper knowledge about their body and the world, some even die in the process of giving birth because their body doesn’t have strength to bear a child. If  they succeed, and by chance if that is a girl child, then her story is same just like her mother. 

I believe that Education is important for every girl, marriages can wait, because education alone can change our story !

-Queeny 👑


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