Rage !

             People take extreme steps out of rage just to run away from the world, but did you ever thought about it once before taking that step, does it worth taking your own life ? If you lost your love, love again. If you have a problem in your job, switch to other job. If you fail in an exam, try writing again. Life can never be explained by anyone, no one knows what life is. One has to face hardships in their life one day or other. But do you think it fulfills the need of that rage if you take drastic step? 

Your thoughts will just give flair to your rage and you will forget the purpose of your life. If you fall 99 times, try for 100th time to stand up. It all needs your will power. Studies, Jobs, Love, Marriage and money are just part of life, but not complete life. You may not have all that, but what is there with you is more worthy, forget the things which you lost because they are just a way of living. Don't try to make a way of living as a reason for living. All the emotions matters in one's life, but that emotions should not overpower your thoughts. There is no compulsory rule that you should do one work, there are so many works in the world, You can be a teacher, you can be a writer, you can be a painter, you can be a chef, you can be a farmer, you can be whatever you want. You can stay in any part of the world. No one has chained you. It is you who is chained you up in your own thoughts.

All you need is to change your way of thinking, see the brighter side of things, and share your problems with your dear ones. A human being can do wonderful things in the world. We are blessed with so many gifts. But we always run after the one thing which we lost. We crave for it, cry for it and finally we remember only what we lost, but we don't feel happy for what we still have. If you lose something, you will also gain something. So wait for the right time, think that you are working in a crystal shop before going to find your treasure. 

Problems are time being. If you run away from your problems and kill yourself, you will never gain the real happiness. You will never know what your life can be. If you give up no one will get to know what you are. Because, only you know your story.

No one in this world has right to take their own life. Whenever you get such thoughts just wait till next day, things will definitely change. If they don't change then wait for one more day. Your mom waited 9 months to give you birth, Can't you wait at least a day before taking your precious life ? Sometimes waiting is worthy !

-Queeny 👑


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