Broken Hearts !

Good parenting not only includes basic needs, giving manners, making money and giving good education to your children. It also includes the time you are spending with them. Are you guys really giving time to your children ?Are you really trying to make time for them ? Do you at least know how many times your son/ daughter tried to end their lives ? Do you know how many sleepless nights they've spent so far? Did you ever notice their un usual behavior ?

The roots of above all questions comes from loneliness. Yes, loneliness. And I've chose this article on youth as today's topic as it is bothering me since many days. Hope this helps at least one person who is reading this.

I've been watching youngsters from quite a long time. The most common thing in everyone is loneliness. This loneliness is shattering them, In fact I call this as an evil in present generation. Climate change moment, Swach Bharat and everything is a burning topics for us. But what about the young blood around us. What about the teenagers and youngsters who are suffering with hidden pain caused by love? Do you really know what is happening to your kids ? and do you know what they are going through when they're not around you ?

People can get lonely when they lost their love or when they fail in exam. One can dump themselves in depression when they're rejected by someone. That rejection is taking away their age, their future, their thoughts and the hope from them. When a family sits together and decides where to send their children for higher education, or in which company they have to work. I have a question for those millions of families. Why don't you sit and talk to your children when they had a bad break up ? Or when they can't make it into their dream college ?  Or when they are addicted to drugs? When a family works hard day and night in building future of their next generations, why can't the same family support them when they go through a bad relationship ? They might fear talking to you thinking that you would judge them. But trust me being in relationship is not wrong, but struggling in a relationship which has no future is wrong.

I've been talking to those broken hearts from somedays and it is not letting me sleep. Do you really think cleaning city can change our lives? I know that brings a major difference, but what about taking away your child's fear ? what about wiping your 22 year old's tears? People go to clubs , gyms , parks but they don't have time to sit with their family and enjoy that moment with them. Why don't you tell your kids that you love them at least once a day ? Why don't you tell them that you will protect them? Why it has become necessary for people to keep relationships with other people when they've a whole beautiful family with them ? 

You may not know the answer. But sadly, it's all because of you and your lack of time. You won't believe I've been stopping someone from commiting suicide from some days. And one more girl has lost her self confidence, and there's a sleep deprived guy who's suffering since years. It's tough to put all those broken pieces together.You know what is the reason behind the pain of this 3 individuals. It's actually their families. 

Yes, their families have stopped thinking that they too have a heart and they exist. So this three people got attached to someone or other outside. And trusted them, and sadly the person who loved them once has left them. And now this has made them more broken that they are after ruining their own lives. I'm not saying every story is same and I'm not even blaming any family. But why can't family play a major role in mending the shattered prices of hearts ? I truly believe that family support can cure any disease in this world. Do we really need rehabs for such broken and depressed people when they've beautiful homes ! 

Just give it a thought.

-Queeny đź‘‘


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