Anonymous Love Part- 1

Tanvi is lying on bed, her eyes are gloomy and swollen. Her hair is not brushed since many days and her smile faded long back. She's not eating on time and sleeping on time. Most of the nights she stares at ceiling and try to think what happened in 2020. She manages to avoid those thoughts, but they come back to her every day. She tried to be happy but the pain inside makes her feel terrible. She drags herself to work everyday, but her fingers doesn't move to work. The more she tries to be strong, the more she's becoming weak. Her thoughts are not in her control, and also her tears. Her pillow becomes wet every night and she doesn't bother to wipe them. Sun peeps into her room every morning without her permission. But she doesn't care to open the windows and see what is happening in outside world. She lost track of time and date but something else is going to happen in her life. One day there was message...